It's really quite simple. In a time of need, search Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
If your company appears in a search engine's Top 10 search returns, research shows that with strong call-to-action page descriptions, you will likely earn a website visit and an opportunity to make a sale. That makes SEO an amazing opportunity, where brand dollars play a significant role. This strategic communications endeavor can transcend every facet of your marketing program.
Offering expertise in SEO, Schraff has developed a number of different search engine optimization campaigns from which our clients can choose. They range from a basic SEO package to a fully customizable SEO campaign. Every SEO campaign starts with website review/strategy development; keyword research, development, and optimization as well as keyword integration; and search engine & web directory submissions with link development. We will present and discuss monthly tracking reports and web analytics to the client, presenting new ideas and strategies on the direction the SEO campaign should go.
As a Google Search Partner, Schraff has the ability to help our clients attract more website traffic through major search engines, keyword-relevant landing pages, and optimized "funnels," which in turn contributes to more sales. SEO represents a critical aspect for companies to increase ROI. A search engine optimization campaign with Schraff can turn into one of the best marketing decisions your company can make.
Keyword research and recommendations for words and phrases assured to attract buyers:
- Website: Title tags, meta tags, body copy, alt tags, link tags, image names, file names, downloads Google action tracking
- Advertising: Banner tags, negotiated company profiles, text links
- Link-back Optimization: Aggressive postings on industry sites, partners and vendors sites with link value
- Press Releases: Written and distributed to web news outlets at low cost
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Website review/Strategy development
- Keyword research, development, optimization
- Keyword integration into copy/content
- Website topology/structure enhancement
- Tag development and optimization
- Search engine and web directory submissions
- Paid inclusion management
Link Development
- Industry Site Maximizer (ISM)
- External Link Exchange Program
- Search Engine Rankings Tracking/Reporting
- Monthly Recommendations & Prioritization
- ROI Tracking/Web Analytics
- Maximize Keyword Funnels & Actions
- CRM/ERP/In-Store POS Full Omni-Channel Sales Cycle (Big Data) Integration